MySpace Profile - National Guard, 102 years old, Male, , Washington DC, US, www.NATIONALGUARD.com
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Guard Recruiting, Reserves, Questions, Bureau, Careers, Pay, Benefits, Jobs, Information -
Check out the 2009 National Guard Drill Pay Calculator!
If you're serving in the Army or Air National Guard, you're devoting weekends and special training sessions to our country's military - and in return, you receive .
The National Guard of the United States is a reserve military force composed of state National Guard militia members or units under federally recognized active or .
The National Guard offers excellent pay, whether it
Welcome to the Iowa Army National Guard. The Iowa Army National Guard is a great way to serve your community, gain job skills and pay for college.
The Air National Guard (ANG), often referred to as the Air Guard, is the air force militia organized by each of the fifty U.S. states, the commonwealth of Puerto Rico .
Maj Gen Bill Etter, Deputy Director of Air National Guard meets with 451st Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Maj. Gen. Bill Etter, deputy national guard rank pay director of ANG .
The retirement pay system for the Reserves and National Guard is different than that of active duty, because it has to take into account part-time service.
2011 military pay charts for commissioned officers, warrant officers and enlisted servicemembers in the Reserves and National Guard.
Military pay is based on rank and number of years in service for active duty, Reserves and National Guard. Besides basic pay, active duty servicemembers also earn .
According to Jerry Cooper, the United States
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